Hey everyone, welcome to edition #7 of Art/ist Round-up.
This week’s 5 discoveries are:
‘3 montanhas’ by Dust Bunny
Kicking things off this week with a physical painting from Dust Bunny a.k.a Daniel Olej, a designer and artist based in Rio.
I’ve been a fan of Daniel’s for a long time and am proud to hold a number of his digital works. I love the use of colour and marks in this piece, it feels organic and makes the landscape come alive. I could lose hours looking at it.‘In Between Grief’ by Uche Ibemere
I was really drawn to this photograph by Uche, the juxtaposition of a masculine figure holding flowers. A combination of strength, and delicacy, creates a sense of melancholy.
Shoutout to @reinepolaris for sharing this.‘A Close Distance’ by Indra Gondi
In ‘A Close Distance’ vibrant pops of colour clash with the sadness I sense between the characters. There’s a space, a void that has been created over time, and I want to know why. This is a piece that makes me want to ask questions.
Below is the artist’s poem that accompanies this piece:
Close distance, a strange sight,Together yet apart, a bittersweet light.
In each other's thoughts, but far away,
Missing the touch, yet loving the stay.
We hold each other close, in every way,Memories and moments, never fading away.
We call, we write, we see each other's face,
A smile, a tear, time and space.
‘“bttttzffddro”’ by Mical Noelson
I’ve been a fan of Mical’s for some time and this is another fantastic addition. When I saw this in my feed I was struck by how visceral it was; the scrawling marks and grungier tones had a real impact. It’s a painting I’ve come back to numerous times to admire.
This piece is open to offers on Foundation.Untitled collection by Daniel Aguilar
Ending this week’s Art/ist Round-up with an untitled generative project by Daniel Aguilar. These pieces immediately stood out to me with the use of geometric shapes, vibrant colours, and textures. They have a construction/architectural aesthetic that I really like. Excited to see how this project develops.
I hope you’ve enjoyed this week’s edition of Art/ist Round-up.
What was your favourite pick this week? Let me know in the comments below.